Open Letter Concerning Nicola Bulley's Fitbit Data

Open Letter Concerning Nicola Bulley's Fitbit Data

Yesterday I wrote to Ben Wallace, the MP for Wyre (as well as the Secretary of State for Defence), with my Fitbit research, and today I got a response back from the man himself. He said he would love to help with my concerns, but due to the fact that I am not a Wyre constituent, he can't help me specifically.

So I'm calling on Wyre constituents and other concerned UK citizens to act. It's time for us to gather all the research and data that we have on Nicola's case, not just related to the Fitbit, and bring them to the attention of MPs, the IOPC, the College of Policing, investigative journalists, and anyone else who has a big enough voice to turn our concerns into action.

Below is a PDF of my opinion on the Fitbit, so far sent to just Wallace and the IOPC, with my more detailed research linked at the bottom of the PDF (it's this post from yesterday). Download the PDF by clicking the arrow below, and share it anywhere. Are you a Wyre constituent? Send Mr. Wallace an email and attach the PDF, as well as other information you think is relevant to Nicola's case.

You can also view the PDF at this Google Drive link. No Google sign-in is needed to view the PDF on Google Drive. You can also download it from there.

Here is an image version of my letter to Wallace and the IOPC. You can download and share the images if that's easier, but for emails, the PDF or a link to the Google Drive link (viewable for anyone with the link, no Google sign-in needed) is probably best.

Key Email Contacts:

Ben Wallace, MP for Wyre:


Andrew Snowden, PCC Lancashire:

Share the the PDF and this post widely. Let's make this happen for Nikki!

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